11 January 2012

Skipping rope fanatic

I might have put a sensational blog title but PE lessons based on the Japanese primary school curriculum emphasize on 'skipping/jumping rope' in past and present.

Unlike in other countries where children enjoy the techniques and performance of skipping ropes like criss-cross, EB (front-back cross), Toad etc, Japanese children are not taught how fast or how beautifully to do skipping ropes, but how long they can continue the basic jumps, double under, i.e. how patient children can be.

I am afraid it is not my cup of tea but poor my little daughter who is having a hard time at PE.
I asked my friends as well as I researched the word-of-mouth mums network and I came up with a product as the above picture.

Asics is one of the best Japanese sports goods manufacturers as well-known with Onitsuka Tiger shoes, and it invented the super jumping ropes for children and grown-ups and they are brilliant.

(From ASICS HP: http://www.asics.co.jp/recreation/jr/tech, Japanese language only for products information)

As I looked up more ropes in Amazon and other online shopping sites, there are a few more high-tech skipping/jumping ropes are available in Japan. That would make kids' life easier at school.

By the way, above high-tech skipping ropes are available from 700 to 1,000 yen depending on size and the speciality on jumping techniques. I bought cheep but colourful skipping ropes in pink, purple, yellow to attract my kid. It was good enough in my old days but it is just a plastic rope which is useless in modern primary school here in Japan.


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