(Kidzania Tokyo HP:http://www.kidzania.jp/tokyo/en/ )
The theme of Kidzania is to learn the professional jobs as an entertainment for kids! (Kidzania Mexico HP in English ... just to get an idea http://www.laciudaddelosninos.com/santafe/eng_flash/home.php)
Kids can be a pilot, they can be ... fire fighters, musician, policeman, photographers, dancers, doctors, mobile shop keepers, chiefs, artists, models, fashion designers, journalists, and lots lots more!
It is rather complicated system for the first visitor but such a fun place that kids loooooooove it a lot!
Sadly, it is not a great place for non-Japanese speaking family ... even so complicated for me as a Japanese including how to get tickets ... but it is highly recommended a fun place for kids and perhaps for you, mums, in Tokyo.
There are hardly any English or foreign language signs in the site so please find a Japanese friend or helper to let you go in there!